is one of overcoming many obstacles that prevent me from creating and making art (Victoria)
Inspired by a difficult but grace-filled chapter of my life (Karen)
it would not have existed without all of the trauma and turmoil. (Mardeen)
It is about retaining our sweetness, our light and our hope (Elizabeth)
each in their own way an investigation of the mysteries intrinsic to translating form, structure, and light (Robert)
to recreate them into a beautiful piece of art. (Janet)
I experience a complete freedom from this ‘allowing’ (Cece)
a sense of stability, possibility, and unity (Stacey)
a vision of life. (Cristina)

JANET ALLINGER – https://www.janetallinger.com/


STACEY GENTRY – https://staceygentry.org/

MARDEEN GORDON – http://mardeenart.com/

ROBERT LABRANCHE – https://www.robertlabranche.com/

ELIZABETH LEE – https://www.studiohozuki.com/

CECE MCNEIL – https://www.cecemcneil.com/

KAREN POTTER – https://www.kgpotter.com/

CRISTINA SAYERS – https://www.cristinasayersartist.com/